I use the phrase “Christ Theory” to refer to the theory that harmonizes and makes sense of all of creation. It is in many respects similar to the concept of a “theory of everything” that has become popular in the field of cosmology – where physics and philosophy meet. The pursuit of a theory that explains everything was the great, unfinished work of Albert Einstein. However, the mere fact that he saw the necessity of such a theory, and that he pursued it decades before his colleagues was another sign of his genius.

The leading candidate for the theory of everything in cosmology over the past few decades has been “string theory” – that is, the idea that matter is made up not of particles but of strings. This theory has many variations. It is as of yet untestable in the real world, but it evidently does hold out the promise that physicists will be able to mathematically harmonize all the fundamental forces of nature into a single “unified field” theory.

This is truly a fascinating idea, that all the forces of nature could be brought into logical unification. However, I would argue that to describe string theory as “the theory of everything” goes far beyond what the theory actually does describe. Simply put, the unification of the fundamental forces of nature would not even come close to explaining everything. The scope of what the theory explains is far too limited. Such a unification would not explain how the creation came into being, or why the forces of nature are governed by cosmic laws, or the “fine tuning” of the universe, or the existence of the incalculable biological diversity within creation, or the human mind that is able to contemplate such things, or the concepts of morality, truth and love etc. etc. etc. A much grander theory is needed if we are to have a theory that truly explains everything.

The Christian worldview is established on the radical idea that Jesus Christ is the theory that explains everything. He embodied the theory when He became man while not ceasing to also be God. The Christian worldview (of which Jesus Christ is the center) not only provides the best explanations to the big questions of life, but it also gives each of our lives real meaning and purpose. While there will always be mysteries we do not understand, our world makes more sense under the assumption that the Christ Theory is correct vs. competing worldviews.

As with other theories, the Christ Theory is testable. This blog is intended to serve as a collection of evidence you may consult to evaluate the validity of the Christ Theory from many different viewpoints. I invite you to interact with this blog and to put the Christ Theory to the test. The plan is that the articles will eventually cover a wide range of topics, all seen through the lens of the Christian worldview. To really begin to see things from this perspective may prove to be a challenge, because it will force you to think from an entirely different perspective vs. the culture. If Jesus Christ truly is the theory that explains everything, this means that everything will have to be re-evaluated, and everything will have to be understood in light of Him.

Are you so entrenched in your worldview that you cannot break free of it, even if it were proven to be wrong? Or do you have the intellectual integrity to seek the truth wherever it leads? If you have the humility and courage to see the truth, you might be ready to begin the most interesting and fulfilling search of your life.

It is my hope that this blog helps you along the right path.